When are printers in Kansas eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine?

Updated Feb. 4 2021
Phase 2 of Kansas’ vaccine roll-out includes “Supply of critical services or materials for the COVID response (e.g. personal protective equipment (PPE))” thereby likely including printers. Phase 2 began Jan. 25, however the vaccine roll-out is administered by county, and some counties are further along the process than others.
Johnson County, KS
Johnson County has broken Phase 2 into three tiers, placing “companies that supply critical services or materials” in the last tier. The last tier has not commenced, and there is no estimated start date. Residents of Johnson County are encouraged to monitor county health department website and fill out survey.
Wyandotte County, KS
Wyandotte County notes that “additional types of high-contact critical workers” in Phase 2 will “will be eligible soon.” A Wyandotte vaccine interest form is available for residents to fill out in order to be alerted when eligible.
Douglas County, KS
Douglas County also has a survey that will alert residents when they are eligible for vaccine. They note that vaccine supplies are low.